Mobile, mobile, and mobile. Everything goes mobile nowadays. Demand for hand phones is higher than demand for traditional phones. There is no difference with laptop. Demand for mobile computer (laptop) is now higher than demand for desktop computer. Who have predicted earlier about this trend? If now is still year 1999, maybe no one ever predicted this trend.
Like it or not, we must follow this trend. Everyone needs to follow the latest trend of technology. If not, your life will be "doomed". Through the last few months, even big computer companies have released many thin laptops. This is happening because many people need lighter laptops. With busier lifestyles for everyone, we need instant products. This is crazy but even some people order meals online or by phone and these foods delivered to their home (or office)!
Mobile entertainment is also following this trend. Mobile entertainment can be categorized into several parts. First, online gaming. You can see from many gaming laptop with unlimited internet use everywhere. Now, for many people play online games from their laptops, even if not in their home. You could say this is for mobile entertainment, of course.
Other benefits of mobile VoIP technology and a better quality webcam. These days it is very easy, cheap and good, then use Webcam This webcam when we chat with our friends everywhere. This is of course another mobile entertainment, because it fun to chatdirectly with our friends via webcam (as if we are just typing in MSN or Yahoo Messenger). Mobile Entertainment will continue as mobile laptop computers, are growing now a very popular thing.