Toshiba has launched a new line of Toshiba laptops in India to life, the laptops are preloaded with Windows 7, and a place for every budget. The Toshiba laptops are equipped with the latest processors and are available in different screen sizes. Whether you have entrepreneur, executive or home / office users are, Toshiba notebook for you. Toshiba's core brand values - mobility, innovation and quality - are the reason that Toshiba is apopular brand of laptops in India and make it the best choice for advanced mobile computing.
The New NB200A series of Toshiba notebooks is a mini-notebook PC. It is an ultra-portable notebook PC and comes with a full-size QWERTY raised keyboard, mouse, 3D motion sensor, LED backlit display, integrated web camera and many other features. You can browse, email, surf and download with the NB200A. The NL-200A Series is targeted for home, office users and professionals on thego.
The Toshiba Satellite series notebooks are the perfect replacement for your desktop. They are an affordable range of laptops with a brilliant WXGA glossy display 39,13 cm (15.4) and an integrated DVD Super Multi optical drive, making ideal for home videos and burn CDs. It is also equipped with an integrated webcam and microphone for chatting. The Toshiba Satellite is an ideal home / office laptop.
The Toshiba Satellite series notebooks are the idealenjoy for students, home users, and all the digital media, be productive, on-line connection or casual gaming.
The protege series is ideal for business professionals, it has a unique textured leather finish makes it a stylish notebook PC, it's a high definition widescreen 33,8 cm (13W), touchpad, speaker grill and chrome borders There is a slim and elegant look.
The Protege Series has a multimedia bar with 8 Feather Touch Control Buttonsto increase the notebook experience. Protege has an eco-touch print utility for better power management, technology finger, face for added security, 3D motion sensor for HDD protection and an integrated auto-macro-inch widescreen HD Web camera.
The Tecra Toshiba notebook is an ultraportable series of notebook PCs that provide true mobility for executives redefined. It comes with a fully loaded power user, it has a 39,13 cm (15.4) Clear Super View (CSV) screen witha built-in PCMCIA card slot. It also offers a variety of connectivity options and offers an optional docking station with a port replicator support for additional ports. Other features include 4 USB ports, IEEE 1394 (Firewire) port, etc. The Toshiba laptop has an integrated business card reader that stores intelligently scan can business / business cards, and later in an address book for data transfers, making it a very efficient tool to manage business contacts. The Tecra isan ideal ultraportable notebook for business travelers.